

Horsemanship Clinics

Horsemanship 101 is our horsemanship clinic designed to teach the new horseman how to understand, control and connect with their new equine partner. Being a good horseman means learning how proper groundwork establishes boundaries and respect from horse to rider and also provides a solid foundation for your relationship with your horse. 

Students will learn how to teach their horses to lunge, send in a circle and over obstacles, stand at a safe and respectful distance, lower their head, trailer load etc. 

Students will also learn saddlework skills such as tacking up, rein control, horse head set, balance, emergency one rein stop, lateral flexion, leg yields and control, stopping, and gaits.

New riders will gain valuable knowledge, practical skills and confidence in this comprehensive horsemanship clinic and will leave with the skills necessary to take their horsemanship to the next level.

Advanced Horsemanship Clinics will provide you with the skills to take your relationship with your horse to the next level.   In this horsemanship clinic you will learn the skills of the masters. 

Designed for the intermediate to advanced rider, participants will enjoy learning techniques and training methods that go beyond the fundamentals. This expands the rider’s physical abilities as well as enforces and grows the bond and relationship between horse and rider.

The goal of this horsemanship clinic is to teach your horse to pay attention to you, your body language and willingly negotiate obstacles without pressure and do this by using advanced riding tactics like leg yields, turn on the forehand and haunches, sitting and posting the trot, riding the running walk, vertical and lateral flexion, lead departures, simple changes and flying changes at the canter, and cadence.

Advanced riders will leave this horsemanship clinic confident in their riding ability and skills and more importantly with a stronger bond of trust with their horse.

These clinics are offered as 1, 2 and 3 day clinics at Crossroads Ranch as are available for remote hosting. 

Training for T.R.U.E. Success