Path of the Horseman - Objective 1


Objective 1

Horsemanship Safety and Equine Psychology


Blocks and maneuvering around horse

Dirty t-shirt or elephant’s distance

Tying halter and lead rope properly

  • Halter Knot
  • Quick Release with Daisy Chain
  • False Tie

Brushing and picking hooves properly

  • Curry Comb
  • Hard Bristle
  • Soft Bristle Comb
  • Hoof Pick

Importance of reading horse’s behavior

6 signs of behavior:

  • Ears
  • Eyes
  • Nose
  • Tail
  • Mouth
  • Stance

Importance of having fun

Catching your horse

  • Approach
  • Protect your herd

Is your horse acting or reacting? Are you?

Protect your personal space. (arm’s length distance)


Preview for next objective:

  • T.R.U.E. Success Philosophy
  • Desensitizing your horse and training to respond to Driving Pressure



  1. Spend time with horses this week observing their body language by using the six signs of behavior.
  2. Are they dominate with other herd members? With you?
  3. Develop respect from the ground by keeping your horse out of your personal space by blocking or using rope.
  4. Practice safety at all times.
  5. You can buy the proper tools necessary by calling Mike Branch at 866 514 4752. Please specify that you need the Crossroads Natural Horsemanship 12’ lead and snap.


Don’t have a horse? Lease a Crossroads horse to practice with during the week here at the ranch if you do not have one of your own.